Thursday, December 29, 2011
I'm back working on the graphic novel. I know, I know I've been saying that for a while but considering I've spent the better part of the year on my back in pain in a hospital or recouping at home after said painful hospital stay I'm feeling much better and hoping to get (at least) this completed. I'm hoping at this point that all of the hospital shenanigans are behind me now.
So, in the meantime, dig on the fly going big!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
It's been a good long while since I've posted anything here. Been in the hospital way too much this year and well, I just didn't feel much like posting or talking about anything.
Now, I'm out of the hospital and out of any health issues (for the time being) so I suppose it's time to get back to it all....
So, without further ado here's a picture of two fine surfers who are also great friends of mine, Jack "Milkman" Ellis and Mary "Half Full" Wagstaff on the wall at the home break.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Working away on the graphic novel. It's been a bit slow going what with losing the novel through my hard drive going down last year and now rewriting it as I go along. However, I do really like how it's coming out since I've been rewriting it but it is going S-L-O-W. Man, this is hard work to be sure.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
The Bolinas Dawn Patrol crew was representing our little beach and 2-Mile surf shop in Pacifica this past Saturday for the 12th Annual Kahuna Kupuna surf contest. I am happy to report that Jack Ellis (seated to the left) finished in First Place for the 65-69 age group and that Loren Moore (seated center) finished in Third Place of the same division. As for myself, (seated to the right closest to the camera) finished his breakfast in record time later that morning.... though both Loren and Jack may have convinced me to enter in my age bracket next year! Dawn Patrol Rules!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, July 01, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
While eating breakfast one morning in Alamagordo, New Mexico recently I looked up from my huevos rancheros and coffee to notice an oil on black velvet painting of 'Raggedy Andy' on the wall across from me. During my breakfast and conversation I would occasionally glance at 'Andy' wondering what was amiss about it, beside the fact that it was a lame painting on black velvet.
Then it hit me... Andy had quite the "package" painted on him. I pointed this out to my companions at the table and we all had a pretty good laugh. I then noticed that there was no Raggedy Ann painting to be seen anywhere. That's when we all realized that Raggedy Andy is gay. Hey, I have no problem with Andy and his lifestyle choice.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Well, folks... just got back from yet ANOTHER hospital visit. This time I was there for 3 1/2 days. Yes, it was pancreatitis (again) HOWEVER, none of the doctors nor specialists could figure out how I even remotely contracted this for a third time as, for a change I am 40 lbs. lighter, in excellent shape with and excellent diet and exercise routine.
They have now opted to send my blood work-ups, et al to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to see if I am actually one of the "rarer" cases that can contract this terrible ailment without being an alcoholic, etc. I'll keep you all posted.
As for the photo... well, that's pretty much how I felt all of Monday until I went to the hospital.
More later.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I just returned from a wonderful trip to Seattle, WA. I stayed downtown in a hotel near Pike's Market and managed to walk all over the place every-single-day, rain or shine. One particular evening I was fortunate enough to get to hang out Cafe Racer with some of the local cartoonists who most I knew either through anthologies we were in together over the years or from various comic cons and what not.
I also was able to visit with my friend, Paul who I knew in college here in California before Paul and his wife, Moxie moved up to Seattle 14 years ago.
Seattle is a pretty cool town.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Bubble Man
I know, I know, I seem to write a lot about my every-other-day hikes lately but I feel this guy is worth writing about. I call him "Bubble Man" and I used to see him A LOT at Peri Park in Fairfax, CA (mostly on the weekends) making these ridiculously huge bubbles with an assortment of sticks and some-sort-of-twine/cord on the ends. Some stick set-ups looked like nets others looked pretty simple like in the pictures above. The bubbles he makes can grow so large that they can engulf an entire SUV, or he can switch out his sticks and cord for another set-up and make hundreds of bubbles the size of grapefruit! He's always a crowd stopper...traffic too.
However, after a while I didn't see Bubble Man for a few months and thought that maybe something had happened. Maybe he got sick, or maybe some cranky local didn't like what he was doing. Bummed, I thought that the era of "Bubble Man" was at an end.
Then it happened this morning.... It was Bubble Man and he had turned up but this time his location has changed to the old Lucky/Albertson's parking lot right next to the Java Hut.
It's great to have the bubbles back in Fairfax!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Caught Outside
On the hike the other morning I thought that I was being slick by sneaking out between rain storms. Feeling cocky I decided to abandon my rain coat and just go in my zip-up hoodie and 'Reef' ball cap. About halfway through the hike, instead of making the hike shorter due to impending weather I decided to take the 232 steps (Squirrel Hill) and just do the trek all the way to Deer Park. Do the hike in it's entirety. Why, you may ask? I'll tell you why; Because I just knew, KNEW that I'd make it back home before the rain would start up again.... Yeah, right.
A little more than two-thirds into the hike, already coming down from the hillsides and into the flat lands through the back neighborhoods of Fairfax thinking about getting a cinnamon roll and coffee because I thought that I would be high-and-dry is right about when the sprinkling began. I must of gone about fifty feet when I spotted a woman walking two dogs and wearing pretty much the same 'non-rain' attire as I was, was walking towards me. Our eyes met and I said to her as we passed, "Figures," as the rain began to pick up heft. She started laughing and responded with, "Exactly what I was just thinking!"
She continued to walk her way and I continued with a bit more haste to walk in my direction. By the time I went a block and made it to the little foot path/alley that cuts between the two houses and connects Dominga Ave. and Bolinas Ave. it begins to hale--BIG!
I then leg it as far as Sorella Cafe as by now it's just chunkin' down (that shit HURTS). While standing under a teeny overhang at Sorella, I spotted a little bundle of red flowers out in the middle of the street (see photo) and that pretty much summed up the morning hike.
When the hale turned to rain a minute or so later I took off for home figuring that I'd just pass on the cinnamon roll & coffee and eat at home and make my own coffee.
Just goes to show; NEVER think that you're slicker than Mother Nature.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Again, while on my 'every-other-day' hike I bring my little camera with me just in case I see something that I find interesting. This particular shot was from sometime a couple of weeks ago and I felt it was a good one to capture a picture of. Note the license plate. Taken in Fairfax, CA. towards the end of the hike about 8:15 AM.
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Sometimes life can get a little crappy living’ in the ‘burbs. Last weekend while working on a project in my studio the sewer system decided to back up and my studio bathroom was ground zero for the event.
Sorry for the graphic photos but I just wanted to show the ‘before’ and ‘after’ clean up. I guess the time I spent in the Tenderloin as a janitor/handy man paid off, as this was a fairly common occurrence back then…. Yuck.
Friday, January 28, 2011
I went to the deli where my son works at part-time to say hi and get a sandwich to go. While standing there waiting for the sandwich, I look down and to my surprise and amazement I see that they are selling 'Flicks,' the chocolate candy wrapped in the toilet paper tube we used to buy as kids some....(cough cough)...40+ years ago.
Naturally, I bought one and yes, they still taste the same except they are packaged in a sealed, mylar pouch stuffed into the tube.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Between 'Dawn Patrol' surf and evening yoga classes I tend to hike about 4 mornings a week, rain-or-shine up the hills around and through the beautiful town of Fairfax, CA. Some mornings towards the end of the hike I like to stop at a favorite cafe and order up this little breakfast of champions. Cinnamon roll and a large coffee! nice.....
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Here we are with more pointless history from the expert in all things pointless. The Story: I had bought about ten cakes of Sex Wax in high school circa 1977 as that's what I did then and ironically still do to this day (note; in 1977 wax cost about 50 cents a cake!). Somehow, I had lost one of the cakes of wax and I had forgotten about it...who wouldn't? Well, back in 1998 my mom had passed away and I was cleaning out the house and in my closet I found the lost cake of wax twenty one years later! I still have it as you can see (it's the one on the left) and it has never been opened.
A couple of teeny differences about the wax then & now. Then, the wax was 75 grams whereas now, it's 85 grams. Also, they had a cardboard cut out of the logo which was shrunk wrapped into the package. Now, it's a sticker on the outside. The similarities of then & now Sex Wax... it's still being manufactured at the same address (though if you look closely the zip code changed by one digit) and it still works great. Okay, history lesson over. Whew!
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